Saturday, December 26, 2009

A White Christmas and The Man Mug

On Christmas morning we awoke to a winter wonderland. During the night as Santa made his yearly trip to visit all the good boys and girls, snow fell on our part of the world. I can't remember ever having a white Christmas so it was as exciting for me as it was for the kids. Growing up in the south doesn't give too many opportunities for snow on Christmas. After breakfast the kids bundled up to tromp and play and of course, eat snow. My favorite way to enjoy snow is on the warm side of a window with a mug of hot cider. That is precisely what I did.
Speaking of mugs, every year I hunt for a Man Mug for Joe and this year I think I hit the nail on the head. It just happened to fit my requirements for the ideal Christmas gift, handmade. The mug below was made by a friend of mine in her pottery studio and it is the perfect size and weight for a man. In fact he was so inspired by the manliness, he made himself a manly coaster for it to sit on. Oh, and if you could see inside the mug you would see a yummy homemade marshmallow floating in the hot cocoa. Just the thing to warm someone who comes in from a snowy walk with a companionable four year old boy. The marshmallow recipe is coming up soon!


Elece Hollis said...

Oh, it is beautiful. I suppose your friend Tisha made it. Am I right?

Elece Hollis said...

Oh, it is beautiful. I suppose your friend Tisha made it. Am I right?

Elece Hollis said...
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Audra said...

Yes, she made two for me to choose from. This one had "character" and was the right size and weight so home it came.

Kristin said...

I love it, Audra! And the coaster! lol! Perfect. Now patiently waiting for the marshmallow recipe.